El Rincon Del Antojo Mission

El Rincon Del Antojo, Mission 1723 W Griffin Pkwy - Mission

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Based on 60 ratings and reviews
70 /100
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El Rincon Del Antojo is a Restaurant in Mission. Being one of the best places in Mission, it's always advisable to book to ensure a spot. Call +19567775800. If the number is busy, you can use the contact form on None., With 0 reviews, the Restaurant has received 0 super positive ratings, 0 good, and 0 considered it poor.
Users mainly recommend the dishes: non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti Sluurpy and non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti Sluurpy, which have received 0 suggestions. Other recommended dishes to try are: non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti disponibili and non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti disponibili., Let's move on to the cuisine: the place offers a non abbiamo informazioni sulla cucina type, perfect for those who want to eat non abbiamo informazioni sulle opzioni di cucina.
To summarize
What can I eat at El Rincon Del Antojo?
non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti Sluurpy and non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti Sluurpy
How many negative reviews has it received?
Reviews: 0 negative but also 0 excellent.
How much does it cost?
Price: None
  • Cuisine 🧑‍🍳: 0 recommendations
  • Ambience 🍽️: 0 recommendations
  • Service 💕: 0 recommendations



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Ratings and reviews

Based on 60 ratings and reviews

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