Reviews Hole In The Wall

Dessert Oasis
Memorial Day has passed, signaling the official start to summer. All worries re: “has my local ice cream shop reopened for the season?” are over, and all worries re: “can I eat this before it melts down my arm?” have begun. Growing up, after graduations and recitals, we went to a sit-down ice cream parlor and were served sundaes with umbrellas and pitchers of hot fudge. But on regular, non-celebratory summer nights, we walked down the street for a quick cone. Carved out between a dry cleaners (where you could sit on the stoop to eat your cone) and some i-forget-what’s-there-because-they-didn’t-have-a-stoop storefront, was a dinky ice cream stand (basically a stationary ice cream truck only large enough to hold about 2.25 customers) lovingly referred to as the “hole in the wall” by locals.
Jun 02, 2016
Definitely an accurate description. Small but several options and good quality. Cash only.
Sep 15, 2013
John C.
Name pretty much sums it up. Frozen goodies on a hot summer's afternoon. Yum!
Aug 19, 2010
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