Reviews New York Chinese Restaurant

Great little place. We got there 15 or so minutes before they closed--our first time, we didn't know-- and we ate there. They served our food to us and served it on regular plates. The portions were great, the kitchen was clean, and you could see them cooking your food. The food was good, and the people were nice and didn't rush us out. While we were eating we realized the closing time and were surprised that they were so nice about the fact that we were eating there. Most places in Palm City are staring you down 45 minutes before closing. You just have to be patient with the language barrier, but we thought the people were nice.
Jan 03, 2012
Great chinese take out. This place is hands down the best Chinese food in Palm City/Stuart, maybe even Martin County. The hot & sour soup is spicy, the egg rolls are crisp, and the lo mein is amazing. The only bad thing I have to say about this place is they don't deliver.
Sep 11, 2011
Gweilo Chinese - Kirk 6. My wife is native Chinese. This place is classic chinese for Western people. Their house soup is very good. As Chinese restaurants in the US go, this is above average. The comments from the "vegetarians" here reflect a lack of understanding on the customer.

The management of the restaurant are native Chinese and make dishes that Americans request, (egg drop soup is a good example) which are unknown in China. These dishes will fit the expectations of most people looking for American/Chinese food. If you are worried about MSG you should skip this class of restaurants.

On the Kirk scale of
1,2,3 being sustenance only and
4,5,6,7 being lower to upper "industrial" food and
8,9,10 being " artisanal" highest quality;

NY Chinese is a 6
Aug 16, 2010
Having come from NY/NJ area where there are many very good Chinese restaurants, I would say this place holds its own. Not great Chinese, but very good.
Jul 27, 2009