Chefs Lounge Newark

Chefs Lounge, Newark 40 Jay St - Newark

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86 /100
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Ratings of Chefs Lounge

Last update on 19/07/2023
40 Reviews

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Chefs Lounge

87 4.3
Manchu Wok 70 1.8 3.5
Metro Deli 75 3.7 4.5
Captain D's 74 4 3 4
Domino's Pizza 80 3.7 5
Thirty One West 78 4.6 4
Krispy Krunchy 70
Farm A Sea Bistro & Crafthouse 77 3.8 4 3.5

The Chef reccomend

With None positive reviews, the None None, known for its delicious Chicken & Waffles, has been highlighted for a price of None. The place is easy to access, but if you have any difficulties, visit their website None or call None., now comes the important part: how is the food at None? Sluurpy rating: 86 based on: None reviews.
The most recommended dishes by users are: Chicken & Waffles and Snow Crab Boils, which have received None recommendations. Other users have suggested these dishes to try: non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti disponibili and non abbiamo informazioni sui piatti disponibili., None offers typical non abbiamo informazioni sulla cucina cuisine, which has received excellent reviews from None customers. For those with intolerances, there are also non abbiamo informazioni sulle opzioni di cucina options.
To summarize
What are the most popular dishes on the menu at None?
Chicken & Waffles and Snow Crab Boils
How many negative reviews has it received?
Reviews: None negative but also None excellent.
How much does it cost?
Price: None
  • Cuisine 🧑‍🍳: None recommendations
  • Ambience 🍽️: None recommendations
  • Service 💕: None recommendations



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Ratings and reviews

Based on 100 ratings and reviews

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